Custom-tailored SW if done well, can be an investment, not a cost.

How to earn money by investing in software? There are several steps you should consider/ take.



All companies have inefficiencies in their processes that, if automated, can save tons of money. All you need to do is, identify the inadequacies and calculate how much you should invest in improvements to ensure a return on your investment.



Trying to solve everything at once doesn’t pay off, as you spend too much time designing the solution, and you start benefiting from it too late. Concentrate on the most painful part, the part that will earn you money.


Go step by step

Deploy module by module, parts of the whole solution, as they get developed and start benefiting and saving from the changes immediately, before the entire project is complete.


Give feedback

If you have a week to test a new part of the solution, don’t postpone it or blindly agree that it’s okay. Test it, try it, give feedback. Changing something in the future will always be more expensive than changing it right away.



Evaluating the outcome gives you invaluable data on how well the project went and potential pitfalls. Consider assessing your performance and lessons learned before you jump into another SW project.

Do you want to know more?

Let’s take a deep look at your processes, and build you a well-oiled money-printing machine.
TIMEPRESS - your automation specialists, just a call away.

The majority of projects fail because of insufficient communication. We don’t let our projects fail.

5 × WHY

People often try to solve the consequences instead of the actual causes. We are not afraid to ask WHY during our analyses to ensure we get to the root cause of the problem. Let’s not be hesitant to ask difficult questions.

Direct communication with the tech project manager

If you like to talk to the technical manager, you always can. Our developers are not hidden away or hiding behind a go-between. Let’s keep communication as efficient and straightforward as possible.

A picture is worth 1000 words

Anybody can state how awesome they are. We let our work do the talking. Within 14 days of the discovery phase, we build you a working demo of the solution. If it lives up to your expectation, we have a deal. Why not give it a try.

Clear schedule

“A task is not a task without a deadline,” they say. We won’t leave you hanging in the air, wondering what is next. Let’s plan a deployment schedule, so you never lose track.

We’ll get you there, you tell us where

Sometimes, people get distracted by their own biases and last-moment ideas. We are fully aware of the purpose of the code we write: it’s to help you, not to show our genius. Let’s set up a goal and stick to it.

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We are Timepress

About us

Three developers and a stand-up comedian enter a bar... Yup, it sounds like the beginning of most jokes but in this case, it is the start of our journey in Timepress.

In 2009, one developer realized that people liked his direct approach, and problem- solving skills, so he decided to look for like-minded people to join him. He found them in various places: Ruby meetups, Linkedin, even pubs.

In 2016, three developers and a stand-up comedian entered a bar together, and they conversed. They discussed efficiency, honest communication and its importance.

Although coming from different backgrounds, they agreed upon many points, including the most important ones: it makes sense to make people’s lives easier by focusing on what they need, and this can only be achieved through good communication.

The debate still continues today, even though they had left the bar (after being kicked out), and it shapes our mission:
We believe tech should make people's lives easier, not harder.
Let's make your life easier.

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